- Students must ride on their assigned bus, to their assigned stop. All stops are assigned by the Director of Transportation. Non-students, including parents, are not permitted on a school bus without explicit consent from a school official. Entering without permission constitutes criminal trespass, a class D Felony. (I.C. 35-43-2-2).
- Students must depart at their assigned bus stop. Students are not allowed to ride to (or from) another student's home/ bus stop. Exceptions will only be made by the Director of Transportation. All requests must be made in writing ten (10) days prior to the start of alternative transportation. Emergencies will be considered and approved by the Director of Transportation.
- In order to preserve the safety and welfare of student riders, it is imperative that all students obey the rules of the bus, the bus driver, and the school. The bus is considered an extension of the school. All school rules apply. Not following the safety rules below may result in students being denied busing privileges and disciplined by school officials.
Items Not Allowed on a School Bus
The major purpose of the Transportation Department is the safe transportation of
students to and from school. Although we want to assist in meeting the educational needs of
students, the following is a general list of items, not all inclusive, that can't safely be transported on a bus:
- Large poster(s) or props for projects
- Glass or breakable containers or any items of this nature
- Unsecured items that can be spilled or damaged
- Any loose item(s) not contained in a secure container
- Any animals or projects with animals (ant farms, fish, etc.)
- Food items of any kind that can't be in a secure container
Please contact the Transportation Office if you have any questions on these general guidelines for the safety of our students.
Guidelines for Stops
Stops are established by the Director of Transportation using various information and best practices. These benchmarks include:
The Director of Transportation will also consider the following: Do streets have sidewalks and lights? Are there other issues that would prevent a bus from going down a street such as construction and traffic?
Extenuating circumstances will be evaluated by the Director of Transportation.
No Transportation Zones:
Some students in the SACS district reside in No Transportation Zones. If you have a question, please contact us.
SACS Transportation Rules:
While Waiting For the School Bus:
Students should be at the bus stop 3 to 5 minutes early. Drivers cannot wait for students who are not at their assigned stops—doing so will disrupt the timing of the route
- Students should never run alongside the bus or to the bus.
Students should stand back from the curb, staying at least 10 feet from the bus at all times until the driver indicates it is time to board the bus and the doors open
Students living on the opposite side of the road should wait on their side until the driver gives them the signal to cross in front of the bus
While Riding on the Bus/ Vehicle:
- Students should find a seat immediately upon entering the bus. Those who do not find a seat should inform the driver.
- Always obey the driver. The driver is in complete charge of the vehicle.
- Remain seated and reasonably quiet during the bus ride. All elementary routes will require students to be in an assigned seat (or area). Many secondary routes will also require students to be in an assigned seat (or area). The driver will determine where students will sit.
- Students may not deface or cut seats. Parents/Guardian will pay for any damage to the vehicle.
- Cell phones/electronic devices are not to be used on the bus. They may cause a distraction for the driver.
- No eating or drinking is permitted while on the school bus.
- Students should respect pedestrians and occupants of other vehicles. Do not shout, make obscene signs, use profanity or throw objects out the window.
- Students will not tamper with the Emergency Exits, Fire Extinguisher or other safety equipment on the bus.
- Bullying, name callings, fighting will not be tolerated on a school bus.
- Because of its dangers, glass is prohibited on the bus.
- Animals are not permitted on the bus.
- Students are not allowed to put any part of their bodies out of the bus windows.
- Students must keep all items in their book bags and their book bag on their lap when seated. Note: articles too large to be held on a student's lap may not be taken on the bus.
- Students are required to exit the bus at their regular stop.
- Students must have book bags on laps and backs against the seat in a forward facing position.
Parent Expectations for Safety:
- Provide students with a book bag to transport their belongings to and from school.
- Make sure your child is at the bus stop 3-5 minutes early.
- Escort beginning students, especially kindergartners, to the bus stop the first few days (or as long as it takes) until they understand bus procedures.
- Make sure students are properly dressed for weather conditions. If they leave home in the dark, attach reflective tape to their jackets or book bags.
- Teach a child his or her full name, address, and phone number, or write it on a card in a book bag.
- Be supportive of transportation policies and insist on good behavior. Poor behavior distracts the driver. Stress the importance of learning and obeying the rules established to ensure safety for students. Transportation is a privilege and distracting behavior may result in consequences including non-transport.
- Watch the local news for notifications of possible school closings and make preparations for child care if needed.
General Transportation Guidelines:
- Bus evacuation drills are conducted twice each school year. Dates are available at your home school upon request.
- Electronic monitoring/surveillance equipment is used on all buses to promote safety and good behavior.
- Questions about routing and the assignment of new stops are best asked between the hours of 8:45 am to 2:00 pm. Please call during these hours.
- All stops must be approved by the transportation office. Federal privacy issues prohibit school officials from distributing or revealing bus stop information to anyone other than parents or legal guardians.
- It is always the aim of district personnel to route buses so that slightly less than capacity is assigned. However, students are to sit three to a seat if necessary.
- All musical instruments transported in the passenger area on a school bus must be positioned in such a way that they do not block or obstruct in any way the isle, stairwell, or emergency windows exits. When a bus is full, instruments must fit safely on the lap of a student.
- Extremely large and bulky instruments shall not be carried on the bus at any time.
Despite attempts to thwart behavior difficulties of students while riding the bus, circumstances sometimes present themselves that require special disciplinary attention. Violations will be reported to the Principal/designee and the Director of Transportation. The State of Indiana allows the driver the right to suspend transportation to a student and deny him/her riding privileges. This does not mean that the child is suspended from school - only that transportation is not being offered for a period of up to one (1) school day. If and when a significant behavior problem arises on the bus, the driver will do two things. First, he/she will attempt to notify the parent to make them aware of the difficulty. Secondly, a written referral will be sent to the principal. The principals will investigate and assign consequences to students.
School officials monitor weather conditions several times a day. Decisions concerning delays and/or cancellations are never taken lightly. Safety is always the most important part of any decision to cancel or delay school. School delay and closing announcements are immediately posted on the SACS Web Site (www.sacs.k12.in.us), the school's Transportation Information Line (431-2002), and are released to these local radio and television stations:
Television Stations WANE,WISE,WPTA
Radio Stations
Resource Information
The brochure Kids the School Bus and You from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration provides parents, children, and motorists helpful lifesaving tips to make traveling to and from the school bus stop and in school buses safer for everyone.
Safety Message from SACS
- Never cross close to the front of the bus - make sure the driver can see you.
- Never pick up anything you drop close to or under the bus - ask the driver what to do.
- Never run after a bus or bang on the side.
- If you must cross the street in front of the bus, follow the driver's directions, and stop and look before you cross.
- Never run across a street; it's better to miss the bus than rush and risk being hit by a car.
- Stay away from the rear and sides of the bus; always be in a safe place where the driver can see you.
Motoring Public
- Never pass a school bus when its stop lights are flashing.
- Be extra vigilant around school hours - assume a child might run out at any moment.
- Be courteous to school buses, give them room and let them change lanes when they need to.
Students must be at their assigned stop location five (5) minutes before the scheduled pickup time. Stop locations may change periodically based on the student population and demographics and physical conditions of the area served. Students must ride on their assigned bus, to their assigned stop. Students are not allowed to ride to (or from) another student's home/ bus stop. Exceptions will only be made by the Director of Transportation. All requests must be made in writing ten (10) days prior to the start of alternative transportation. Emergencies will be considered and approved by the Director of Transportation.