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Southwest Allen County Schools

Preparing today's learners for tomorrow's opportunities

Business Forms

Business Office Forms

Direct Deposit Form and Tax Forms


To complete a Direct Deposit Form, W-4 Federal Tax Form or WH-4 State Tax Form, please sign in to your Frontline account.

Once you are logged in:

  1. Click on “My Forms’
  2. Click on “Forms I Can Start”
  3. Scroll to find the form you would like to complete
  4. Click ‘Start this Form’ on the right-hand side
  5. Submit the form when you have completed it


Submitted forms will be directed to Ann Chivers, Payroll Specialist, Business Office, SACS Administration Building. Call 431-2032 with questions.

Business Forms

Miscellaneous Forms
Please click on the link to download the form.

Please return completed, signed from to the Vendor Clerk, Business Office, SACS Administration Building 431-2033