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Southwest Allen County Schools

Preparing today's learners for tomorrow's opportunities

Summer Reading Titles and Assignment

In preparation for taking this course, you must read three books over the summer.  You must read A Streetcar Named Desire and The RoadYou will be required to produce a notebook for each of these works in which you describe the main characters, the key themes, the significant scenes, and the dominant imagery, any and all symbols, as well as the tone and style.  An example of such a notebook can be found in the link below. The third book may be selected from the list below.  You do not need to create a notebook for the third book.

Please Note:  This list was created to allow significant choice for students with varied interests. Ultimately, the choice of the title from this list is up to students and parents.

Please contact the head of the Homestead High School English Department, Nicole Vickrey, at if you have any questions. 

Required Reading - Both Books

    A Streetcar Named Desire cover      The Road cover

For your third book, you may choose one book from the book lists provided below: